Bois d’Arc RV Park (Bodark)
Near Ada, OK a new 13 stall RV Park. On the Fossil Creek Ranch property, not visible from the main property but close enough to walk.
50/30/120, water, and sewer at all sites. Monthly, weekly, weekends, nightly
Select RV Park for more details
580 277 2794
What is Bois d’Arc?
(From Texas Homesteader) The Bois D’arc tree has many common names including Osage Orange, horse apple, hedge apple and more. This is the tree that native Americans, especially the Osage Indians, preferred for their bows and arrows. This tree was described by French explorers as “Bois D’arc” which means bow wood. Different parts of this tree are used as insect repellant, leather tannin, fence posts, wheel rims, tool handles, etc. The list goes on and on, but the old barns and fences built using this wood are so sturdy, practical and lovely.
(From Wikipedia) Maclura pomifera has many names, including mock orange, hedge apple, hedge, horse apple, crab apple, pap, monkey ball, monkey brains and yellow-wood. The name bois d'arc (from French meaning "bow-wood") has also been corrupted into bodark and bodock.
Bois d’Arc is the name of the creek the property sits on. The name is pronounced by most as Bodark. We are using mainly the Bois d’Arc RV Park spelling but also own the Bodark RV Park Spelling as well, so either way is fine! I had not heard this word until we moved to this area. Growing up in Kansas, I always knew the tree as a hedge tree. I now prefer Bois d’Arc. Ther are many Bois d’Arc trees in the RV Park and on the property and it rhymes with Park, so hence the name Bois d’Arc (Bodark) RV Park. Please come check us out!
580 277 2794
Adam and Linda Woodward